Enrichment Days
At Pennthorpe we strive to share the wonderful learning experiences, teaching expertise and excellent facilities with other children in our community. To do this we run a programme of events, throughout the year, where we invite children from local schools to try new and varied activities that are not currently covered by the national curriculum.
The recent Pennthorpe Muddy Fun Run aimed at children in Years 2 – 4, saw participants enjoy a muddy-infused running race around a specifically designed cross country circuit, here at Pennthorpe. Also this year we have hosted a Space Chase for children in Year 1, and a Maths Challenge for Year 2 children.
If a school you know is interested in bringing children to events like these please get in touch at enquiries@pennthorpe.com to register your interest.

Silver Stories
Silver Stories is a reading initiative set up by the National Literary Trust and the Duchess of Cornwall to combat loneliness in the elderly. Each child reads via telephone for 15-20 minutes a week to an elderly listener. Our volunteer readers read to their elderly listener during their break time. The listeners are based all over the UK and are listening from their own home or in a care home. It has been a truly wonderful experience thus far for all involved.
If you know of anyone who would benefit from being a listener, please get in touch at enquries@pennthorpe.com.

For children who can’t get to us we take the show on the road in a series of visits to local schools. Our roadshow events provide quality interactive learning experiences designed to inspire a love of learning in the next generation. Particularly popular have been our Sports and Science Roadshows.
For schools without science labs it can be challenging to connect with children, who often engage best with hand-on experiments and live demonstrations. But who needs a Bunsen burner when you have a blow torch? Our team come ready with all the equipment they need to provide a range of cool interactive science learning experiences.

Our Sports Roadshow provides an opportunity for children to discover new sports, develop and perfect their skills in specific areas, as well as build confidence and team spirit, through dedicated sessions with sports professionals. Led by one of Pennthorpe’s expert Sports Teachers, all of whom possess a passion and motivation that is infectious, these sessions have had a major impact in schools with limited time for sport who are without specialist coaches and equipment.
If a school you know would welcome a visit from our Community Roadshow, please get in touch at enquries@pennthorpe.com to let us know how we can help inspire more young minds.

Supporting Charity
Pennthorpe supports a wide range of local, national and international charities. The organisation of our charity days and events is run by an enthusiastic and committed Charity Committee, made up of children in Years 6, 7 and 8.
Each academic year the Committee chooses a whole school charity to support, which have included Our Maxwell, Cardiac Risk in the Young, the Meningitis Research Foundation and Baynards Zambia Trust.
We also enjoy taking part in countrywide events such as Captain Tom 100 Challenge, the Royal British Legion’s Remembrance, Age UK’s Postcards of Kindness, Comic Relief and Children in Need.

We’re dedicated to supporting the personal fundraising efforts of our families too, and are often hosting cake stalls, sweet jar competitions and sponsored sports challenges that our fabulous children undertake.
At least twice a term we host a Bags of Support collection, organised by a local charity who recycle unwanted clothes, shoes and handbags by donating them to communities around the world.
"I am so grateful for all the kindness and support I have received from friends, family, the whole Pennthorpe School community, to help me fundraise for The Little Princess Trust"Year 4 pupil and budding entrepreneur

Dreaming Big!
Encouraging our children to think and dream big is part of daily life at Pennthorpe. Our children discover as soon as they join us that they can use their imagination in exciting ways; that they have it within them to change the world.
The project work that all our children get involved with encourages them to tap into their imagination, and to be authentic and independent learners, who are guided by their own instincts and inspiration. One of the highlights for children in Years 3 – 5 is our involvement in ROAR, delivered by the Lions Club and 8 Billion Ideas, which challenges entrants to create a ‘World Changing Idea’!

Scholarships & Bursaries
The Leadership Team and Governors are also committed to helping children to access a Pennthorpe education that they wouldn’t usually be able to afford.
Please see our Scholarships & Bursaries information for more information.