“We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright. Some have weird names but they have all learned to live together in the same box”Robert Fulgham, author, actor and speaker

At Pennthorpe, the Gifted and Talented initiative is an integral part of the school’s academic offering, to challenge and extend the thinking of all its pupils via a challenging and inspiring curriculum.
Our gifted and able children are challenged and encouraged to go beyond their comfort zone, to keep them engaged in the learning process and to see just what they can achieve. A wide range of extension and enrichment materials and resources are used in lessons to stimulate their interests and enhance their thinking skills. Additionally, some pupils may be encouraged and supported in completing a self-directed project (between home and school) on a topic that is pertinent to their particular talents and interests. The overriding focus is not on providing children with ‘more of the same’, but is firmly on developing lateral thinking and problem solving skills and on encouraging creativity.

Enrichment Sessions are invitation only sessions for pupils identified to have potential in a certain area. The aim of these sessions is to offer further enrichment and provision to those children who are currently showing a high level of ability and passion in a particular subject.
The goal is not to increase the volume of work for these children, nor to give them extra exam coaching, but rather to stimulate and challenge them, and to allow them to explore new ways of learning. The sessions may be run by our expert staff or external speakers. Example have included forensic science, virtual reality, French movie making and Mensa mathematics.
“Pennthorpe is a place where I am accepted. There are no square pegs or round holes; no one size fits all.”Year 5 pupil and future entertainer

Learning Support
At Pennthorpe, all of our teachers take responsibility for pupils with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). Teaching such pupils is a whole-school responsibility, requiring a whole-school response. Central to the work of every class and every subject is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching, assessment and evaluation that takes account of the range of abilities, aptitudes and interests of the pupils.
However, there are some pupils who need us to provide interventions that are additional to, or different from, those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum. These pupils receive regular specialist support from a Learning Support teacher, either individually or in a small group. Each pupil has a profile of their particular needs documented in an individual SEND programme, which specifies short-term targets, the teaching strategies to be used and the provision to be made, and these are shared and reviewed with both the pupil and their parents.

At Pennthorpe, we consider early identification of any problems to be critical in helping pupils to overcome them, and so we screen all new pupils and every child from the age of 3 in order that we can, if necessary, further assess and provide for any pupil who may have a special educational need or disability (SEND).
As an inclusive school, pupils with specific learning difficulties are a positive and integral part of the whole school, not seen as separate in any way, and we are very proud of the added value that our Learning Support Department brings to our pupils.
"We are so impressed by the warm inclusiveness and happy learning atmosphere within the school."Mr & Mrs E, parents
additional enrichment classes enjoyed this year by pupils, designed to further challenge abilities and talents
specialist Learning Support staff, dedicated to providing interventions to the benefit of pupils with additional needs
of children with additional needs securing a Senior School of their choice.