“The bonding and competition of team sports is invaluable; add in the benefits to our physical and mental health, and it is clear why Sport is a central part of Pennthorpe life. We enjoy how good exercise makes us feel, and use the skills it gives us in all aspects of our lives.”Matt Barnett, Director of Sport at Pennthorpe
Sport at Pennthorpe
fixtures for pupils in Year 2 - 8 last year
hours of physical education each week for pupils in Reception - Year 8
pupils awarded Sports Scholarships over the past 5 years
sports on the curriculum

Games and PE provides opportunities for our pupils to be creative in their thinking and performing, to be competitive and to embrace challenges both individually and as part of a team. Pupils are encouraged to problem solve, to take risks within their own and team performance and to set themselves targets for improvement. Through all activity there is an emphasis on promoting a positive attitude towards being active and living a long term healthy lifestyle.

The ethos of the sports department is very much one that every child be given the opportunity to develop their potential to the very best of their abilities. With this in mind, the children receive coaching from experienced sports coaches, each with their own fields of expertise. All children get the opportunity to play in competitive matches, through fixtures against other schools from Year 2 and during our House competitions. We play competitive sport with our elite sportsmen and women enjoying the opportunity to play at the highest levels; yet we also ensure that every pupil puts on the match kit and meets other children on the sports field, participating at the right level for them.
School fixtures are the highlight of the week. We run teams at every age group and include as many children as possible in an extensive list of competitive matches against local schools.

All children enjoy 1 to 6 hours of Games each week coached by specialist staff, enjoying traditional sports such as football, rugby, netball, hockey and cricket. Children can discover their strengths and passions, including playing non-gender specific sports. We create opportunities for all children to represent their school in sports teams regardless of their natural sporting ability, whether it be representing the school regionally, nationally or internationally, or in our weekly interschool matches.
“Sport is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving against great odds.”Bill Bradley, professional basketball player, former US senator and presidential candidate
The list of sports practiced by our pupils, over their time at Pennthorpe is long and varied! The sports are reviewed regularly, and the offering is updated to reflect our children’s interests, skills, and the competitive opportunities available with neighbouring schools.
- Gymnastics
- Lacrosse
- Roman Olympics
- Basketball
- Danish Long Ball
- Softball
- Handball
- Mountain Biking
- Foot golf
- Speed Ball
- Dance
- Volley Ball
- Hockey
- Boot Camp
- Athletics
- Tennis
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Badminton
- Rounders
- Cricket
- Self-defence
“I never thought I’d see the day when [my son] was excited about playing sport, but now it is one of the highlights of his school days. The progress of his gross motor skills is astonishing.”Mrs J, parent