Transition Tools
Mixing it Up
Children work together in mixed age groups, giving everyone the opportunity to become more familiar with other people, parts and processes of the school
Our cross year Houses give plenty of opportunities for pupils of all ages to mix and have fun together
Each Summer Term, across all ages, we focus on ‘Good Goodbyes’ and ‘Looking Forwards’
Move Up
Each year the children across the whole school spend the day in their new classroom with their new teachers

Community Time
Each half term, there is an opportunity for all pupils to mix with those of different ages, meet teachers from other parts of the school and become familiar with areas beyond their current classroom. Community Time ensures that pupils build connections and familiarity with adults and other children throughout the school, making the landscape beyond their classroom door less daunting.

Mixing Ages
Mixed age collaboration is also incredibly valuable because it offers our older children the opportunity to adapt their language and social skills to relate with younger children; learning patience, compassion and problem solving skills. Equally our younger children benefit from the challenge of being with older children; often engaging in more complex activities than when they play with same age peers.

Providing children with the opportunities and support to play a role in shaping the culture of Pennthorpe, being role models for their peers, and making decisions about school life is incredibly important. Encouraging children to participate in pupil leadership opportunities forms an important part of their development. At Pennthorpe there are many such opportunities; from being the first in line to go out to play, to being an elected member of the school council, or more formally in our Flourish Years Leadership Progression Programme.
“When I joined Pennthorpe I was worried about making new friends, but I couldn’t have joined a better school. I was given buddies to help me settle in and I know they will be lifelong friends.”Year 8 pupil and model citizen

House System
When they start at Pennthorpe, all pupils join one of four Houses: Baynards, Gaskyns, Pallinghurst and Tismans. Whole School House Meetings take place half termly, enabling all pupils with each house to mix with older and younger children and staff, and work collaboratively on challenges and at House Events. Each House has a staff House Captain who has overall responsibility for the leadership and management of their House.
A Head of House is appointed from the Year 8 pupils along with a Sports Captain and these senior pupils help with the organisation of House events. House Captains are also appointed from our Year 2 cohort and they specifically help lead and support in the Pre-Prep.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”Helen Keller – author, campaigner and educator

Transition Programme
Throughout the Summer Term, across EYFS, Pre-Prep and Prep, a transition programme is in place with a focus on ‘Good Goodbyes’ and ‘Looking Forwards’. This purpose-built programme enables the children to feel ready to say goodbye to their current year group and teacher, and move forwards without anxiety into the next stage of their journey.

Parent Talks
Our Transition Programme also includes our parents, who are all invited for Transition Talks and Information Sessions to help guide their children through these significant steps. These focus on sharing information about the key changes their child will need to adjust to, and offering tips to help pre-empt, and spot any signs of, their children’s worries about their impending transition.
“When it’s time for our children to move up to the next year group they are so familiar with their new environment, and full of positive emotions, they settle straight away, and start learning and developing from day one”Kylie McGregor – Head of Pennthorpe Pre-Prep

Move Up Day
Each year, in the Summer Term, we host our whole school Move Up Day. This is an opportunity for the whole community to experience the exciting things that are to come in the next academic year. Pupils get to spend time with their new Tutor, subject teachers and classmates, and get to sample new topics and subjects that come with their imminent move to the next year group.
Parents are also invited to attend our ‘Meet the Teacher’ events, so they can get to know their child’s new pastoral and academic team, and get a flavour of the fabulous opportunities the next year has on offer. It is also a lovely social occasion, where new families joining the school can get to meet the parents of their children’s new class mates.
"Thanks for a lovely evening spent ‘Meeting the new Teachers’. We loved it, and it gave such an insight into what’s to come in [our sons’] school life. "Mr & Mrs C, parents
Preparation Facts
House events take place each year
of timetabled time spent on transition time in the Summer Term
of parents who participated in our ‘Meet the Teacher’ events last year
of pupils taking part in regular mixed age Community Time