Creative spellings
Does that word look right? Good spellers often try spelling a word several ways to see which way looks correct. Reading, and being read to, helps children build their visual memory of words, and using visual spelling strategies can be a good method to help children with those tricky spellings, as well as building up their visual memory.
Mrs Creedy’s spelling group has been getting creative! The children have been sculpting their spelling words out of play dough, to help them to visualise the words, to make a really good picture of them in their brain. The words in this session were plural possessions, so part of the challenge was adding an apostrophe in the right place, as well as working out how to make it ‘float’ in mid-air!
Lots of fun was had! Learning spellings using a visualisation strategy such as this can be really helpful, as it taps in to a child’s visual memory. This can be particularly useful for visual spatial learners; people who prefer to think in pictures and patterns.